Forgive yourself and let go of any anger within you. Then you will see others with positive perspective

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shahadah at the traffic light

I studied for my bachelor degree in the US. Almost half of the town residents are students all over the world. I am one of the fortunate malaysian students to go there.

Being a malaysian muslim there was not easy. Luckily in the middle of the town, there is a muslim center which becomes a mosque and a place for muslims to gather for discussions, studies, functions and many others islamic events. I always loved to be in that place especially during Ramadhan. I will post one memory about that center someday.

What I would like to share was one amazing occassion happened during my study. I was walking alone that day. That afternoon was really nice and cool. I usually went to town to buy books or personal things. Since my rented house was just nearby, walking was best for me and my roommates. I walked towards one junction, when one woman stopped me. She was a student too. We greeted each other, and I smiled at her happily. We talked for a while when she suddenly mentioned her intentions to be a muslim. I was shocked. Didn't know what to say. I kept asking her few times whether I heard it right. She adamantly said she wanted to be a muslim. She liked to see me and few other malaysian muslims behaved, wore proper clothes (baju kurongs!!) and be in group. I asked to go to the muslim center, but she wanted to learn to say the key words to be a muslim. Then I realized what she meant. She wanted to say 'Syahadah'. Under the sky and very nice afternoon, and near the traffic light, I taught her to say the 'Syahadah'. We didn't care about the passer-by. When finished, she held my hands tightly and said many thanks. I reminded her to go to muslim center to learn more. And we parted our ways. My heart filled with joy on my way home.

How easy to be a muslim in the US. Your choice there and then. Declare on your own. As easy as to be a muslim, it is also easy to convert to other religions too.. That's US. Open-minded and free country.

Alhamdullilah, at least at that time, Allah blessed one more non-muslim to be under His Guidance.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Memori 24hb Julai, 1994

Dalam perjalanan balik daripada Mersing ke Johor Bahru.

Di pertengahan jalan, hujan turun membasahi bumi. Mataku tidak mahu lelap. Fikiranku melayang entah ke mana-mana. Bas berhenti di stesyen bas KT dalam pukul 7 malam. Hajat hati nak naik teksi ke JB tapi sorang pun tak mahu bawak ke JB. Naik bas aja la nampaknya. Nampaknya kena tunggu, solat dan naik bas ke JB.

Ketika nak masuk ke tandas awam, kusapa seorang makcik yang sudah berumur.
"Makcik, tolong jaga barang saya." Dia angguk.
"Dari mana?" tanyanya lembut.
"Mersing." balasku ringkas.
"Mersing di mana?" tanyanya lagi.
"Sri Pantai." jawabku lagi. ringkas.
Kuletakkan duit dua puluh sen di atas meja dan masuk ke tandas. Bila aku keluar, waktu maghrib sudah masuk.
"Belajar lagi?" sapa makcik tua tu lagi waktu aku keluar. Aku geleng.
"Bekerja?" tanyanya lagi.
Aku mengangguk. Aku berlalu pergi sambil mengucapkan terima kasih. Aneh sekali. Selalunya yang menjaga tandas awam adalah orang India atau Indonesia. Tapi, ini..makcik tua melayu yang sudah agak berumur. Mengapa dia bekerja di usia sebegini? hati kecil ku bertanya.

Di dalam bas waktu perjalanan balik ke JB, seorang gadis bertanya pasal tiket ke KL dari JB. Aku jawab banyak kaunter yang jual kat JB sana. Dia bagi tau yang tiket ke KL di bandar KT sudah kehabisan. Dia terpaksa naik ke JB untuk beli tiket di sana. Aku angguk. Sambil ketawa mesra memandangku, dia duduk di bangku hadapanku. Aku cuma tersenyum. Tak lama kemudian, dia menyarung tudung dikepalanya. Hatiku mula curiga.
"tak sempat nak pakai." katanya kepadaku. Mungkin dia melihat kecurigaan di mukaku.
"Ingatkan dapat tiket jika keluar awal. Rupanya tak ada juga." sambungnya lagi. Aku mengangguk aja.
"Entah elok entah tidak." katanya sambil membetul-betulkan tudungnya. Aku cuma tersenyum. "Elok." balasku ringkas.
Hasrat hati ingin bertanya tapi lidahku kelu. Aku duduk menyandar, memandang keluar. Malam makin menghimpit. Terasa kosong walaupun jelas deruan kenderaan masih lalu lalang. Aku terus mengelamun sendiri mengenangkan dua peristiwa yang ku temui.